Company Profile

1.1      VISION

Our vision is to be the leading centre of excellence in training, motivation, human development and skill enhancement of human capital in management, education and training, and leading the social empowerment through teamwork, self discovery, mind set changes, skill development in creative and innovative methods.

1.2      MISSION

In the globalized world, lead by information communication technology or ICT which have become the most powerful tool for success and changes. This brought about challenges and the need for organization to keep abreast with the current changes. At the same time, the level of knowledge and skill in the human capital require upgrading and enhancement.

Therefore, our mission is to facilitate, guide, help in improving the human capital in all aspects; from the development of internal strength-mind, attitude, emotions, self discovery and the practical skills and knowledge useful in the workplace while blending it with positive universal values to create balances in self development of human capital. By doing this, positive mental attitude could be instilled in a peron while ensuring high level of motivation in a person. To realize that, our team at al-IHSAN TRAINING AND MOTIVATION will provide the necessary training, consultancy and advices which include experts views, expert guides, skills development, emotional management, mental streaming and self motivation up to the provision of pre training, training and post training activities, development and implementation of any management initiatives and necessary consultancy services.

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Al Ihsan Training and Motivation

Al Ihsan Training and Motivation
Menyediakan perkhidmatan perundingan, ceramah, forum, diskusi, seminar, motivasi, latihan, kepimpinan, kaunseling untuk semua lapisan individu seperti pelajar, pekerja, ibu bapa, guru dan lain-lain.